2024 Empty Bowl Zen Community
End of Year Letter
Dear Friends & Sangha Mates,
I was thinking the other day, how wonderful it is to be a part of our Empty Bowl Community.
To see so many of you wanting to practice the Way and support each other in the process of waking up to a deeper relationship with our life. Our world is uncertain and changeable, so it is a valuable thing for us to dedicate ourselves to awakening both our hearts and minds.
Especially in these challenging times our Empty Bowl community is most important. What we offer here is valuable and rare. We respond to the challenges we encounter at EBZ by providing a refuge and space to practice. We offer weekly dharma talks and a regular opportunity for private interviews with a variety of teachers. Monthly zazenkai, seasonal householder retreats and our annual Ango intensive. As well as our online video interviews with Zen inspired artists like author, poet and Zen teacher Peter Levitt and Paul Schubert at Art in the Empty Bowl.
In the new year, Alice Potz, sensei will be holding her annual koan workshop and we will be having a ceremony to install dharma holder Jacky Fernandez as sensei!
Of course, none of this happens without your generous donations. We do have expenses, like rent, teacher stipends, insurance payments, maintaining our website and the small but ongoing cost of supplies.
We depend on your generosity so a place like EBZ can continue to flourish and where people can reliably go regardless of their circumstances to practice.
We are lucky to have you all with us and your giving makes it possible to continue to do what we do.
Iām grateful we are doing this work together. I look forward to another wonderful year of practice and offerings at EBZ.
Ray Ruzan Cicetti
Please send your tax deductible checks to:
Empty Bowl Zendo
60 Independence Way, Morristown, New Jersey 07960
or Donate online via PayPal ā
Anyone wishing a donation receipt for their contributions to the Zendo, contact Gerard Kammerer